Pare Cashma

Pari Chasma
Some beautiful lines about Pari Cashma
Pari Cashma is a very beautiful place and very famous place most of people come here fro celebrating the picnic and there is no lake of water there is present clean water and also present many kinds of fishes there is also present a big pol for swimming most of people come here just fro swimming the water is flowing from the top of the mountain
And also present big big tress people come here on motorbike and in cars.
Watch Screen Shots of Pari Casham;
          (Some Beautiful Sceneries Of Pari Cashma)

 (Water flowing from Mountain at Pari                    Cashma)  

            (Some pictures in Pari Cashma)

You watched the beautiful pictures of zavi with the beautiful pictures which is flowing from the top of mountain if you liked the do not forget visit.
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